Insulation Removal

Insulation Removal in Yukon

Remove and Replace Your Insulation Safely

Whether you're moving into an old property or if your current insulation is damaged, insulation removal is necessary to protect your home from environmental damage. However, it might feel like a daunting task to crawl into those spaces and work through that build up of old material, dust, dirt, and potentially mold or other problems.

4 Seasons Insulation is happy to handle all of your insulation removal for you. We are trained and equipped with the gear and tools necessary to protect ourselves, while removing old insulation and cleaning out the space for future installations. Our experts know how to safely remove any type of insulation including batt fiberglass insulation, spray foam insulation, and all other types of insulation methods. 

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Removing your insulation is difficult, sometimes dangerous work if you're not able to work safely in tight spaces. Trust our experts to handle the work and make sure it's done better than ever before!
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How Do I Know if I Need My Insulation Removed?

There are several telltale signs that your home is not being properly insulated and protected. The most notable signs are experiencing poor temperature regulation indoors and also discovering that your energy and utility bills are increasing unexpectedly. Other signs might be even more overt such as the sudden appearance of water damage in your ceiling or walls, which indicates that moisture has broken through and begun damaging your home and insulation. 

In most cases, your insulation should last up to 100 years if it is properly installed and your home is adequately protected. You can do a routine energy audit to determine if you need to investigate the condition of your current insulation. 

There are some situations where removing old insulation may not be necessary. So long as you don't identify any moisture or notable damages to the old insulation, you should be able to install new insulation right over top of the old. However, if you suspect that your insulation was not installed with 100% efficiency in mind, get in touch with our team inspect your home, so that we can determine the best course of action for you.

Can I Remove Old Insulation Myself?

We cannot recommend removing insulation from any spaces in your home without having some experience or education in the area. There a number of factors you need to be aware of to protect your health and your home's integrity when attempting to remove various types of insulation in your walls, ceiling, or attic. 

Degraded insulation can be risky to handle and needs to be cleaned up and disposed properly to avoid causing damage to your home and the environment. Additionally, you never know what might be moving in your walls or ceiling such as rodents or pests. There may be waste products left behind that are tremendously toxic and dangerous to be around, especially in tight and/or hot spaces. If your home has any sort of moisture damage, you need someone with the tools to safely be around and handle mold.

Hiring a professional helps you to avoid all of these issues. An expert will be equipped with the necessary technology and have experience in identifying and safely removing all of these harmful elements. You'll also be sparing yourself the risk of any accidental injury you could incur while trying to maneuver in tight spaces with limited lighting. 

The final benefit of using a professional is that they'll be able to identify any flaws in your default insulation installation. Our experts will be able to identify weaknesses in your home's defense against the environment, and recommend the suggested changes to ensure your home is properly insulated for another 100 years without incident. 

If you're experiencing any of these issues and suspect you need insulation removal services, get in touch with 4 Seasons Insulation today to get a free consultation and free quote!

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